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Forums/ Deco
2024-01-05 19:30:28
Re:New 1.3.1 Firmware for Deco X50/X55 Adds Support for Whitelist and Matter
@BenJam I have the X55 setup. I've received the notifications on the app and i'm already running the Deco X55(US)_V1.6_1.4.1 Build 20231122 firmware for almost a week. Nothing wrong so far.
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-23 22:23:33
Re:Blink Sync not connecting
@alvaromanuel verify if the security is WPA2/WPA3, change to WPA2 only. (solved some issues for me with some IoT devices)
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2023-03-22 23:31:00
RE:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
Fix the auto sensing or let the hardware works by itself without WAN or Internet.