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Forums/ Deco
2023-03-27 12:38:33
Re:Network drop-outs
Just an update, My android tv, which has a wired connection to one of the satellites also suffers from the drop outs, so not necessarily just an IOS problem.
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-23 07:39:33
Re:Network drop-outs
@David-TP Yes, you are correct in thinking the reason for upgrading is a think wall. I live in an old stone house with an extension wrapped around it. The result is having one thick stone wall...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-22 15:33:50
Network drop-outs
Hi, I've recently upgraded from the Deco M5 system to the PX50 system, with the hope that my connection will be faultless. Ever since the change, I've experienced continuous drop-outs, multiple times...