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Forums/ Feature Requests
3 weeks ago
Re:Add "Themes" to smart bulbs shortcut options
Really need this feature.. 20 bulbs and counting.. mostly useless because they don't have this feature.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2023-03-03 15:25:23
Re:KE100 Firmware
@deejeedave it worked thanks!
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2023-03-02 08:41:22
Re:KE100 Firmware
@Solla-topee Thanks, I'd forgotten about that page. It doesn't seem to work unfortunately. I will probably reset it and try again
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2023-03-01 20:21:46
Re:KE100 Firmware
@Solla-topee Hi, how do I upgrade? I can only see version 1.14.0 MAC: 9C-A2-F4-6B-4D-C1
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2023-02-27 19:12:09
KE100 Firmware
Hi, I bought 3x KE100 and two upgraded the firmware when installing. One failed. How can I upgrade the firmware retrospectively? Thanks