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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
Confused. KE100 TRVs and Tapo Hubs
I came here for clarity and ended up becoming more confused. So please may I have the correct answer here. No guessing please, no "Ive tread this somewhere" just the facts please. I want to buy 11...
Forums/ Deco
Re:LAN cable required?
@Carsor The fberbox is a decompiler, not a modem. My previous response applies, if you use an intermediate router, and fibre goes down, wifi will stay up. If you go direct to the Main Deco, and fibre...
Forums/ Deco
Re:LAN cable required?
@Carsor Can't be done. You will find if you disconnect the cable you will simply lose internet. If you have fibre, one Deco can become the modem (in some cases), but that's not a good idea as with...
Forums/ Deco
Re:LAN cable required?
@Carsor As above, how would you get internet to Deco if you disconnect the cable from the device that is acting as the modem?
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco Recap- Check What's Currently Going on With Deco
@David-TP X50 currently at V1.6.3 X50-Outdoor still at V1.2.8 Features of X50/X55 are locked out because X50-Outdoor is added in. Has TP-Link stopped supporting X50-Outdoor or is it End of Life?...
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Connecting EAP225 outdoor with DECO E4R
As I outlined above "Probably better to replace E4R with X50 (though even X10 would be 1000% better) and add X50-Outdoor."