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Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Omada show unknow AP device MANAGED BY OTHERS
Omada show unknown AP device MANAGED BY OTHERS which NOT own by my company. Those model are NOT belong to my company asset.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-02-02 04:18:10
RE:[Request & Suggest] Adding back Searching feature on MAC Groups under Profiles.
Same feature before upgrade to new firmware
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-02-01 10:24:39
[Request & Suggest] Adding back Searching feature on MAC Groups under Profiles.
Adding back Searching feature on MAC Group. Current Software infomation: Controller Version:5.4.7 Model:OC200 1.0 Firmware Version:1.18.3 Build 20220715 Rel.56221 Let admin can have the Searching...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-01 09:48:02
Omada OC300 hardware controller 5.7.6 profiles groups issue
Company using Omada OC300 hardware controller upgrade to version 5.7.6 Issue: The settings> profiles > MAC groups is having issue after upgrade. 1. Unable delete last Mac address that wrongly...