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Forums/ Deco
2022-11-29 22:31:44
Re:DHCP for Deco X20 in Router Mode Not Working for Desktop for either Ethernet or WiFi
@David-TP Modem is a Arris NVG468MQ. I plan to set a static IP next time the issue shows up, right now it's operating on an IP from the modem without issue, but I would like it working via the Deco...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-28 19:39:01
DHCP for Deco X20 in Router Mode Not Working for Desktop for either Ethernet or WiFi
My network currently has 31 devices connected, all via DHCP. 42 DHCP leases have been given, and has always been working fine. All devices are working fine and are connected to the internet. Problem:...