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Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-22 14:02:40
Re:TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
@RickJamesBish router is NOKIA G-2426G-A WiFi 6 with a fiber optic connection. In its console, the operating mode of the port to which the EAP is connected is "Full-Duplex" with a bitrate of 100Mbit....
Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-21 13:11:20
Re:TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
No, the situation with the new adapter is the same :(
Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-15 20:32:48
Re:TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
The port is really limited to 100mbit, speedtest confirms I tried to connect TPlink to the computer via LAN and the connection status is also "100mbit". So, ordered a new POE adapter) When it...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-15 18:56:04
Re:TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
HW 3.0
Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-15 14:04:47
Re:TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
I am using the POE adapter that came with it, I didn't find any markings on it other than TP-Link, so I don't know how I can identify it) I use a router from my ISP. In his console TP-Link device...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-11-15 08:33:33
TP-Link EAP225-Outdoor Speed limit 100mb :(
Hi! I bought an EAP225-Outdoor access point and ran into a problem. When I connect the cable from the router to the access point, the LAN speed is limited to 100MBit. The same cable when connecting...