Following: 0Followers: 1
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-28 23:31:17
Re:0 Online clients showing in Deco app
how did you configure the ip addresses of the deco?
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-28 23:20:24
Re:X50 outdoor right choice?
obviously you are too far from the deco that is inside the house, for outdoor connections you should always bring an ethernet cable. X50-Outdoor is equipped with POE so you can power it with only the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-28 23:13:32
Re:New Adjustment to the 6 GHz Discovery Mechanism on Deco
@David-TP I have already had the opportunity to do what you indicated but my two Android devices that support the 6GHz band, once they move to another room and switch to another Deco that does not...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-21 13:59:57
Re:New Adjustment to the 6 GHz Discovery Mechanism on Deco
@David-TP Hi David, I just got a Deco XE75 Pro. With the beta update, can I get the ability to automatically switch to the 6GHz network on my device when I'm near the XE75 Pro?
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-20 09:52:05
Re:Deco APP 3.8.101 - Prepare for A New Deco Onboarding Experience
@David-TP hi David Thanks for your prompt response.I made the feedback from the decò app with some screenshots where I highlight the problem I encounter.My main decoder is a XE75 Pro V3 EU model, I...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-19 23:41:59
Re:Deco APP 3.8.101 - Prepare for A New Deco Onboarding Experience
Hi David on my android smartphone The app stops working, every time I close it or put it in background, once I reopen it My clients disappear, the speeds are frozen at the last displayed state, the...