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Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-11-06 09:52:17
Re:When RE655BE release date?
@David-TP Any idea when the RE655BE be released for UK/other markets? Surely you cannot release it for US market and forget about the rest of the world??!!
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-12-22 15:46:21
Re:RE315 Supports EasyMesh Over Ethernet Backhaul
@David-TP Any idea on timescales for adding Ethernet Backhaul to RE700X?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-12-19 16:18:09
Re:RE315 Supports EasyMesh Over Ethernet Backhaul
@David-TP Could you please consider adding ethernet backhaul to RE700X wifi 6 range extender? I am using RE700X units (3) with my main router which is a TP Link BE900. Thanks!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-10-30 10:07:44
AXE16000 Slow Upload Speeds
Hi, I've just bought TP Link's latest & greatest AXE16000 router for $500 but sadly, I'm finding the upload speeds are very low (around 1 Mbps) - download speeds are fine (300 Mbps). Connection is...