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Forums/ Deco
2022-11-05 01:54:54
Re:Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
after a few months my problems have come back but this time the router is on access mode. I;m having constant packet loss during games. It started happening a few days ago. I put the mesh system back...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-05 01:53:49
Re:Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
@alexp7 after a few months my problems have come back but this time the router is on access mode. I;m having constant packet loss during games. It started happening a few days ago. I put the mesh...
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-07 19:36:47
Re:Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
@Alexandre. i put my mesh wifi system in Access Point Mode and it resolved the packet issue completely. Everything feels smooth, thanks! If I have another issue I'll go back and reply to this thread....
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-07 19:20:17
Re:Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
@David-TP Connecting my computer to the Main Deco would be difficult because my pc is very clunky and would require me to remove my setup. I don't think this is something worth doing. The packet loss...
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-06 18:12:07
Re:Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
@Alexandre. I looked into what you said and put everything back to default. this is the quality of the link and this is what the satellite deco shows when i'm playing the first picture is during a...
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-06 05:09:05
Deco M4 Packet Loss - Gaming
My issue is that my Deco's have started to display consistent packet loss when I'm gaming. My ping is consistent (~30 - ~40) which is great, but packet loss still occurs. Through numerous tests I've...