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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-09-10 15:30:10
Re:Archer vr400 (eu) ver:3.0 High errors.
@router777 do u still has the problem ? I get the errors with beta version too
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-09-08 12:58:59
Re:Vr400 v3 Too many Error (pkts) with both latest and beta firmware
i already did im waiting for respond . btw i think this problem limit my max speed download too.
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-09-08 12:56:31
Re:unusually high ERROR(pkts) in downstream (24536)
@Mimisv hey i have the exact same problem i have a question from u does this problem limit ur max download speed? even when u restart modem before these too many errorrs? my download speed can not go...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-09-05 16:42:21
[Solution]VR300 | Errors (pkts) increases after ~ 12 hours of usage. Download bitrate drops down dramatically
the problem exist on vr 400 v3 i just bought it somedays ago , so sad
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-09-05 16:37:43
Vr400 v3 Too many Error (pkts) with both latest and beta firmware
Too many pkts error and after about 12 hours or less just download speed dramitaclly decreese and become useless here hte picture with 5 milion pkts error with latest V3_1.5.0_220321 firmware right...