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Forums/ Deco
2022-08-25 20:51:06
Re:Deco X20 working with NAS device with static IP
@Philbert Yes, editing the reserved IP address in the APP after it has been assigned by the DHCP server is working well. Thanks for making the suggestion.
Forums/ Deco
2022-08-22 21:47:34
Re:Deco X20 working with NAS device with static IP
@Philbert Thanks for the suggestion about editing the reserved IP address's as I didn't realise that was possible. Will give that a go later tonight.
Forums/ Deco
2022-08-22 21:11:16
Deco X20 working with NAS device with static IP
I have two QNAP NAS devices on my home network and and number of printers that I want to assign them with static IP's. Have three X20's units installed, the main x20 unit is running in router mode...