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Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-14 16:22:43
Re:RE220 Onemesh with AX55 router SLOW SPEEDS
@Solla-topee Speedtest with RE plugged in and macbook listed as RE client (~5 ft from RE): Speedtest with RE unplugged, same position as above (~20 ft from AX55 router):
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-14 16:08:33
Re:RE220 Onemesh with AX55 router SLOW SPEEDS
@Solla-topee "Try change router 5Ghz band to 80Mhz." I am running the AX55 in Smart Connect mode (no individual 2.4G/5G settings). "You could refer to the thread below to troubleshooting" Note (1)...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-13 18:24:39
RE220 Onemesh with AX55 router SLOW SPEEDS
We have a 1Gbps xfinity internet plan, and with our TP-Link AX55 router the speeds are typically from 300Mbps to 800Mbps depending on distance from the router. I added the RE220 in our home because I...