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Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-06-03 14:31:58
RE:Tapo App Widgets??
It's hilarious this is barely under consideration, they're just forcing a ton of users of of their products. I made a request like this a year ago and I can't believe it still hasn't been implemented
Forums/ Feature Request
2023-06-03 14:31:05
RE:Having to run Kasa and Tapo app for different devices
The Kasa app is infinitely better, it would be great to be able to have Tapo devices on Kasa app. Specially cameras (c200)
Forums/ Feature Requests
2022-05-25 15:48:57
Re:Tapo C200 widget/easy home mode and away mode buttons
@Solla-topee Thank you for your quick response! Hopefully this feature makes it through. I tried adding a smart action/shortcut but it said cameras do not have this feature yet and the app didn't...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2022-05-25 02:23:30
Tapo C200 widget/easy home mode and away mode buttons
The title is almost self explanatory but I was wondering if we could have a feature where I can easily turn on/off settings from the camera on my phone's home screen. I have a Samsung Galaxy S10 and...