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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-01-11 19:56:54
Re:C310 SD card slot screws.
@MIK013 So you don't use it as security camera.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-01-11 19:30:06
Re:Tapo 310 upgrading to v1.3.2 now for over a month
@Catyday Interested in your experience with the C310 as mine is totally useless as a security camera. Raindrops will trigger an alarm.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-01-11 19:24:32
Re:C310 SD card slot screws.
@MIK013 Can't help with the screws but am very interested in how your camera is performing. Mine is totally useless as a security camera almost anything , raindrops for instance, will trigger an...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-08-17 10:53:57
Tapo C310 problems
I would be very interested in other user experience of this camera because mine has been bad but it might be a one-off bad camera. From day one i have had many false alarms, it seems that the camera...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-07-19 14:31:41
Tapo camera fault
Have posted before and have seen many posts on the subject of the camera's sensitivity. My camera triggers false alarms because it cannot tell thje difference between a person and a small object like...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-07-01 16:09:37
Re:Please TP-Link, fix this now(C310)
Agree. I've posted elsewhere that the camera cannot tell the difference between a person and small objects so is not fit for purpose.