Powerline Adapters
2022-04-26 10:15:58
Same pc, same network, same everything for 2 years... the problem came out from nowhere. i already tried to download any type of file,and any size, directly from the router but it works as it should...
Powerline Adapters
2022-04-19 18:46:38
i don't know the model of the router, it's a Tim one... the topology is router to powerline with ethernet and on the same floor there is the other powerline to pc with etnernet, (it's around 10m away...
Powerline Adapters
2022-04-12 10:09:36
Whenever i start a download, being connected to the powerline, the modem restarts every 2 minutes. If i start a download being connected directly to the modem it works as it should be. If i change...