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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-12-05 21:16:41
Support for metered connection
Hello There's a way on Omada to designate a WAN as metered so every month can use a certain traffic amount and then switch over a backup WAN?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-06 09:22:23
Re:Captive portal voucher usage
Hi Hank i know that an admin or a voucher operator can see the traffic or the time used by every voucher, but my question is if a captive user can see the same for the voucher is using. Hope in a...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-05 19:09:07
Re:Captive portal voucher usage
@Philbert when i create the voucher rolls I can set a predefined amount of data to use by captive portal users, i would know if there's a way to check the data usage so they can see how much data...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-05 08:42:10
Captive portal voucher usage
Hello there's a way for the Omada captive portal users to check the voucher usage? My users would check the remaining traffic avaiable on voucher Thanks