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Forums/ Routers
2023-12-11 20:46:33
Re:new ISP vlan
@Clive_A Thank you for your quick reply! So you are saying that it is not a porblem to switch to a another ISP? The NAT will also do his work for the IPTV and Voip?
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-09 11:25:01
new ISP vlan
Hello All, I have a question, And hopefully somebody can give me some more information. Our plan is to switch to a different ISP, Currently our ISP is Solcon (Netherlands) and we want to switch to...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-01-22 17:10:11
Solcon IPTV and Omada v2.0
Hello all, Almost 1 year ago I have started this thread: https://community.tp-link.com/en/business/forum/topic/542346 has anybody already some more information or an solution ?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-18 20:12:47
Re:Omada block games
I found the issue in my network! On my switch i turned in mirroring for my computer. In the past i had some issue with my network and i had to use Wireshark. After changed it back to switching i can...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-18 20:03:45
Re:Omada block games
I'm making a bit progression. What i have found out now is that when i connect to wifi i can connect to the server. So there is somthing between my NIC and Omada
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-18 19:37:17
Re:Omada block games
This are the logs from the game. [2022.10.18-19.34.52:829][386]LogScript: Warning: UAkGameplayStatics::PostEventAttached: No Event specified! [2022.10.18-19.35.06:153][923]LogTaskGraph: Warning: Task...