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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:TC82 camera going offline
@bobbyperyer so I had same . Two things I did 1) on the deco mesh settings i set connection to 2.4 ghz 2) on Tapo app in Battery Status - I set Working Mode to - High Performance. since then has been...
Forums/ Deco
2022-03-15 17:20:56
Re:[Troubleshooting] Fail to switch the Deco working mode using the latest Deco APP (2.6.x version)
@TP-Link Hi I have this issue, how do I get this resolved. Deco is set as Access Point. When I select Operating mode there are no options to switch back. office M5(3.0) 1.5.7 Build 20210819 Rel....