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Forums/ Deco
2022-07-12 19:42:23
Re:Can two separate Deco systems co-exist in one house?
Alexandra, what you are saying does not agree with the Deco M5 manual and other posts on the is forum. The manual states that Deco M5 operates only on 5150MHz—5250MHz. That is a small 100Mhz segment...
Forums/ Deco
2022-07-12 16:29:44
Re:Can two separate Deco systems co-exist in one house?
Two wifi routers on the same frequency covering the same area will interfere with each other. Best case there will be packet loss and retransmission that lowers bandwidth. Worst case traffic may...
Forums/ Deco
2022-07-12 06:39:07
Can two separate Deco systems co-exist in one house?
I have a Deco M5 system, which operates on 5150-5250 Mhz in the 5Ghz band. I need to set up a send mesh system for a different internet service in the same house. If I use Deco M5s, they will...