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Forums/ Deco
2023-10-24 12:44:42
Re:XE75 PRO V2
@David-TP when will the next update for the XE75 Pro V2 be available?
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-24 12:30:41
Re:XE75 V1 vs XE75 V2 - What's the difference?
@David-TP When will these firmware updates for the V2 be available? Since the post the V1 has had two updates and none for the V2
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-24 10:04:41
Re:Firmware Query XE75 Pro
@David-TP appears I might have made mistake that there isn't a UK and EU version of the Deco XE75 Pro but I've noticed the V2 is being left behind with updates as the V1 is getting more. is this...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-10 16:58:51
Re:Firmware Query XE75 Pro
@David-TP My device is the EU hardware version and I was advised to check this link for the latest firmware https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/deco-xe75-pro/v2/#Firmware whilst I have been...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-10 16:54:37
Re:Firmware Query XE75 Pro
@KLman 1.2.3 is for the UK version and I have the EU hardware version so isn't available for me
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-06 12:15:10
Re:Firmware Query XE75 Pro
@David-TP can you help?