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Forums/ Adapters
2022-01-24 21:48:25
Re:UB500 bluetooth adapter and bluetooth 3.0 keyboard
@Eric.Fr Here is the screenshots wanted: Are they what you wanted?
Forums/ Adapters
2022-01-24 09:56:37
Re:UB500 bluetooth adapter and bluetooth 3.0 keyboard
Thanks for your quick answer@Solla-topee Here is the keyboard and mouse. The mouse can connect in BT 5.2. That's it, paired but no response. For pictures from my computer, i'll do that after work.
Forums/ Adapters
2022-01-24 09:25:44
UB500 bluetooth adapter and bluetooth 3.0 keyboard
Hello, i'm having an issue with my new bluetooth adapter UB500. I've installed it and it's ok. When I want to connect my bluetooth 3.0 keyboard, this one connect well, but in the end, it is only...