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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-01-14 08:16:39
Re:TP-Link Archer AC1200 - Archer C6 (Version 3.20) wont connect to Mi 4 Pro TV
@woozle Somehow switching off the data saver made the internet to load faster on TV but still shows "Wifi Connected but No internet" every time i switch it on. Will keep u posted on the development
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-01-13 16:54:31
TP-Link Archer AC1200 - Archer C6 (Version 3.20) wont connect to Mi 4 Pro TV
When i switch on my Tv it says "Wifi Connected but no Internet" Internet is available on LAN and wifi working fine with mobile and laptop. PS. The version from drop down list does not show 3.20 hence...