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Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-22 09:05:51
Re:Devices keep disconnecting and reconnecting
@Vincent-TP Thanks for the reply, Sometimes the controller will send the notification that is it offline, and the entire network (internet and local) is unaccessable. Sometimes the controller will...
Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-21 10:09:12
Re:Devices keep disconnecting and reconnecting
@Vincent-TP thanks for the reply. So I mean the access points keep disconnecting, then reconnecting, and when the network goes down I mean the entire network is unavailale. The actual main BT Router...
Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-20 14:37:53
Devices keep disconnecting and reconnecting
I have an OC200, and about 15 EAP 225's (indoor and outdoor) Some connected via Mesh and some cable. Sometimes several times an hour random devices will disconnect and instantly reconnect. And then...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-04-05 10:50:34
Re:5.8.4 default to site vs global ??
This is a must for me, too, glad I'm not alone in thinking it's stupid and annoying with the extra step. Only one site for me, so defaulting to it would be handy.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-02-27 12:39:10
Re:Instant camera preview on app main screen
@Solla-topee I did notice that, but it's not very good, an extra step or two to say the least. I also use Ring cameras, and their home screen is far superior.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-02-26 11:58:49
Instant camera preview on app main screen
It would be nice if we could have an instant preview for the cameras on the main screen, rather than just icons.