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Forums/ Adapters
2021-11-11 07:18:31
Re:info request about Archer T3U
@Solla-topee Thank you for your time i will try with Archer T3U. Cross finger for me ;) Best regards
Forums/ Adapters
2021-11-10 21:48:41
Re:info request about Archer T3U
@Solla-topee Thanks for your time! i understand that packet loss may be related to other factors, but as i said, i have no problem with my desktop pc ( 0% packet loss ), on the same router, and i...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-11-09 04:31:39
info request about Archer T3U
Hello, i'm trying to find a solution to a network problem on my laptop: I had a lot of problems using a gaming stream service called "stadia" ( its a service from google ) from my laptop: the...