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Forums/ Deco
2021-11-05 21:54:39
Re:High Channel Interference
@Alexandre. thank you for your time advice Sir!
Forums/ Deco
2021-11-02 07:51:14
Re:High Channel Interference
@Alexandre. excellent thank you! To get three bars, do you have line-of-sight between each Deco? What do you find impacts the Deco to Deco strength the most? I have a two storey house with usable...
Forums/ Deco
2021-11-01 19:37:08
Re:High Channel Interference
@Alexandre. that's a good point actually. No matter what channel I try, there will be five of my own networks there, so therefore always congested. That makes that test a little useless unless you...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-31 12:51:55
High Channel Interference
Hi all. I've read some threads here that explain that manual channel switching is not possible at the moment and that the point of mesh is seamless automatic changing etc. However. When I run the...