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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-11-04 14:42:46
Re:TL WPA4220 DUP packets when using WiFi
@Solla-topee thanks got email and replied to them so hope it gets fixed from here thank you
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-10-28 13:30:20
Re:TL WPA4220 DUP packets when using WiFi
@Solla-topee Thanks - I just loaded the new firmware. Unfortunately I still get quite a few DUP packets: Below is snip of pinging my default gateway from laptop. Laptop connected to TP link WPA4220...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-10-27 10:16:24
TL WPA4220 DUP packets when using WiFi
I have my TL WPA4220 connected via ethernet to back of BT home hub dsl router/modem, plugged into mains power line and then the other unit using 2.4G wifi and/or ethernet to laptop. I have BT hiome...