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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-11-03 11:05:41
Re:Not connecting to Internet after Power Outage
My ISP is Youbroadband. Wan type is PPOE. When I check Internet status it’s showing Wan Uplugged.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-11-03 05:03:51
Re:Not connecting to Internet after Power Outage
@Kevin_Z When there is a Power outage my router restart at that time it is not connecting to Internet. The internet light doesn't lit. I need to restart the device and then i need to struggle with...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-11-02 17:00:24
Re:Router not getting connected to Internet after electricity disturbance
@DeepakPillai I am experiencing same problem but the router is Archer A6 V3. Is your problem fixed?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-10-27 03:07:23
Not connecting to Internet after Power Outage
Archer A6 not connecting to Internet after Power Outage. No Orange Light. I need to Plug out and Plug in the router to get it connected to Internet.