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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
3 weeks ago
Re:Deep Packet Inspection - Gateway does not support DPI
Not so happy ... but thanks a lot for your answer. Regards Stefano
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
3 weeks ago
Deep Packet Inspection - Gateway does not support DPI
Dear all, I'm using a software cobtroller ( (Stable)) with an ER605 and I'm not able to enable DPI, on controller under Network Security > Application Control is reported 'Gateway does not...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-03 14:04:17
Re:TL-ER605 ban DHCP server
@Yannie I'll try to better explain what I want ... I've an internal DHCP/DNS, running on a Raspberry PI using DNSMASQ. On DNSMASQ I've assigned fixed IP/hostname to relevant stations/iot devices. If...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-10-22 16:05:13
Re:TL-ER605 ban DHCP server
@Yannie I've discovered the issue. To try to solve internal IP, i've set internal DNS on WAN interface ... so this was the root cause. So may problem is ... how can I solve my internal IP displying...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-10-21 07:19:52
TL-ER605 ban DHCP server
Dear All, I've my OC200 connected to ER605 as router. As DHCP server I'm using a Raspberry PI with DNSMASQ. What happen is that PI is not able to ping ER605, they are on the same switch, same net ......
Forums/ Controllers
2021-10-20 14:33:31
Re:er605 standalone not available when managed by oc200
@dvs I've the same issue. My ER605 is managed by an OC200, I've discovered that accessing locally to ER605 some diagnostic features, like traceroute/ping, are available. The question is ... how can I...