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Forums/ Deco
2021-12-30 16:46:17
Re:Problems with deco M4R (US) 2.0
@JeremyHYJ Hi!!! After some tests with the official store TP link, they're change the decos for a new ones. After that, no present any more issues. Cheers!!
Forums/ Deco
2021-09-28 12:34:59
Re:Problems with deco M4R (US) 2.0
@TP-Link initially, the m4r work on router mode. After the problem, test the access point modern and do the same issue. - The main deco is wired to modem, the other works satellite. - Both (main and...
Forums/ Deco
2021-09-28 01:48:55
Problems with deco M4R (US) 2.0
Hi Everyone! First, sorry for my bad English, i hope can understand me. Four days ago, i buy deco m4 pac x2. The first day works fine, my connection is 50 mbps from internet provider, and in every...