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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-11-07 14:58:20
Re:D7 Archer Ipad & Iphone no internet access randomly
I Have had a reply from Lizzy @ support with this suggestion: login change ssid name > channel 6 > change to 20mhz > advanced uncheck WMM > save reboot Giving it a try
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-10-28 14:52:13
Re:D7 Archer Ipad & Iphone no internet access randomly
Thanks for that BoulderCO. Both units have DoS Protection off by default. I have now added the unit back on to the network as a router rather than a modem router to see how this effects things. I...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-10-26 13:51:59
Re:D7 Archer Ipad & Iphone no internet access randomly
I have now placed a second unit with another customer (I bought two units not knowing about this issue) after a week they are complaining about the same issue on their IPhone's. and IPad's. We have...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-10-19 13:44:10
Re:D7 Archer Ipad & Iphone no internet access randomly
What's the firmware version of your D7? Is it up to date? [COLOR=#ff8c00] Updated to the most current because of issues Only Android wireless clients and wired PCs are working properly all the time,...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-10-17 00:18:25
D7 Archer Ipad & Iphone no internet access randomly
Model : Hardware Version : Not Clear Firmware Version : ISP : Recently added the Archer D7 to the network as a modem router. Clients with IPad's & IPhone's can connect to the network but have no...