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Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2021-08-30 02:18:47
Needed bandwith Control in AX1500
Bandwidth control is a basic software feature which can easily be implemented. Sorry to see that Tp-Link is removing important and basic features. Now I have to return this Router and purchase other...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-08-29 14:00:45
Re:does archer ax1500 support wds?
@Kevin_Z will WDS be available on AX1500 in the future? (Any Update on this!) When? Why do these expensive routers lack such basic features like WDS, Bandwidth control .....!
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2021-08-29 09:17:58
Needed bandwith Control in AX1500
I tried enabling bandwidth control for the guest network but when I clicked on the option it redirected to the settings which is not there. How Can I enable bandwidth for AX1500? (If this feature is...