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Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-26 23:54:08
Re:Operation forbidden from one controller using API
I found the problem. It turns out that on this controller I needed to use the siteId instead of "Default". I have no idea why, but it's working now. Thank you. Seth
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-26 23:02:17
Operation forbidden from one controller using API
I have 3 locations with an OC200 controller in each. I have software I've written that uses the API to login, get a list of clients, and block or unblock clients. It works great with 2 of the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-11 22:08:38
Re:404 from controller when accessing via port forwarding
@btx Awesome, thank you! That worked great. Seth
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-11 18:08:53
Re:404 from controller when accessing via port forwarding
@Philbert Thank you - that's a great suggestion for manual access, but it won't work for my software that uses the API, as it runs as a service on a computer where a vpn can't be left on. There's got...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-11 03:23:35
404 from controller when accessing via port forwarding
I need to access my oc200 controller directly, both for backups and I've written some software that uses the controller API. On the local network everything works correctly. I open Chrome and put in...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-10-04 21:41:54
Re:DDNS Not updating
@Virgo The ddns provider's website shows when updates happen, and it didn't show any updates. It does show an update as soon as I save the configuration using the Omada controller, but none after...