Feature Requests
2 weeks ago
From what I can tell all the new HS200 switches no longer use port 9999 As in: echo "AAAAtDygfiL/5..." | base64 --decode | nc $IP 9999 There is also a github C program hs100.c that also does the job....
Kasa Smart Switches
2 weeks ago
Up to now no problem - a motion in the driveway is detected or the tempurture in my greenhouse exceeds a given temp. Then a script on my server executes - echo -n $CMD | base64 --decode | nc $IP 9999...
Kasa Smart Switches
2 weeks ago
Seems that the model HS200-LA (light almond) >only< does bluethooth for control. <sigh> And now I find HS200(US) does not use port 9999 - it uses port 80
Kasa Smart Switches
2 weeks ago
I'm trying to automate my smart switches/plugs via a Linux box (RasPi). So far an hs100.c program has been working great. I just purchased a new HS200 and it works with my Android Kasa app but I...
Kasa Smart Switches
3 weeks ago
Because I spend most of my time on my laptop, a minor bit at my desk. And just because I wonder if I can create it ... https://[localserver]/kasa/index.php and I have a working Kasa app. It displays...