KASA app on server

KASA app on server

KASA app on server
KASA app on server
2024-12-27 18:42:22
Model: HS110  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

Because I spend most of my time on my laptop, a minor bit at my desk. And just because I wonder if I can create it ...
https://[localserver]/kasa/index.php and I have a working Kasa app. It displays the status of my 8 KASA plugs (more to come) and switches and the ability to toggle the state. index.php is 94 lines, there's a external program: hs100, a github C program. Executes in .3 seconds.

Anyone interested? or did I just have some fun?

1 Reply
Re:KASA app on server
2024-12-29 14:18:11

Source on  github.com/liderbug
