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Forums/ Deco
2023-01-07 04:25:24
Re:Deco M9 Plus 1.6.0
@ThomasLwin I used the steps outlined here and on the first page of this thread. You'll want to download the latest firmware for version 1.1 here. Use method 2 "HTTP Uboot Method" You'll need access...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-07 03:28:04
Re:Deco M9 Plus 1.6.0
@Stuart-M I started getting the 500mpbs "cap" right after installing 1.6.0 beta. Tried all the QoS 1000mbps stuff and no QoS. Only thing that fixed it was going back to 1.5.6.
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-07 02:36:02
Re:Deco M9 Plus 1.6.0
@David-TP My DECO M9 plus v2.8 would only show a max of 500mbps download when speed testing through the app. Had to downgrade back to 1.5.6 for it to correctly get the speeds over ethernet again.
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-19 18:25:20
Re:Anyone know why my main deco would be pinging websites like linkedin, reddit, bing, and etc
@TP-Link Hi, It's from my pi-hole DNS sinkhole. localhost#5053 is where all my DNS queries get sent for ad/tracker blocking. The insecure thing is DNSSEC. I havent noticed any problems with the MESH...
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-17 20:36:36
Anyone know why my main deco would be pinging websites like linkedin, reddit, bing, and etc
Can anyone tell me why this seems to be happening? I've never seen anything like it before. My main satellite seems to be reaching out to these websites for some reason.