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Forums/ Deco
2021-11-14 16:34:45
Re:High Ping On Deco M4
@TP-Link Hi, Its happening across all Clients. Connection was Main Deco > Deco 1 Main Deco > Deco 2 Deco 2 > Deco 3 In total have 4 connected including the main one. of the 3 main ones 2 connect...
Forums/ Deco
2021-11-08 22:16:55
Re:High Ping On Deco M4
Still having issues with this problem. Been ongoing for last few hours for example. I wired directly into my isp's router and connection was fine but getting really high ping when connected to any of...
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-07 14:46:53
High Ping On Deco M4
Hi everyone, Over the last wile I have been having a lot of issues with really high ping across my deco's. Connecting direct to my ISP router the ping is good around 30-40 but every so often when...