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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
Feature Request: Scheduled Client Blocking
I'd like to be able to schedule the TP Link Omada to block my children's MAC addresses between certain times and/or certain days. Having to manually do this all the time is tiring. Scheduled access...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-09-27 05:04:21
Re:Product request: 5-Port POE Omada switch
They should totally release this. Then I can eliminate a plug on my 5 port switch I currently have that's unmanaged by omada.
Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-25 05:04:21
TL-SG2008P(UN)_V1_ 20210407 Bug.
When performing speedtests on speedtest.net the upload test freezes and slows the rest of the network down with intermittent disconnects. I purchased this switch on Amazon and at first I thought it...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-24 01:09:31
Re:Switch TL-SG2008P no statistic after upgrade fw
@bdl perhaps I will seeing as this is one of two threads mentioning the TL-SG2008P.
Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-24 00:24:11
Re:Switch TL-SG2008P no statistic after upgrade fw
Running 1.0.1 on TL-SG2008P and doing speedtests with a 1Gbps up and down connection freezes on the upload test and disconnects other users from network, completely bogs the network down. When...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-23 18:49:30
Re:SpeedTest and traffic stats does not work after firmware upgrade
I'm having the same issue with speed tests here particularly speedtest.net on firmware 1.0.1 via TL-SG2008P upload test literally freezes and the whole network is effected. When I revert back to...