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Forums/ Adapters
2021-05-18 08:07:34
Re:Archer T4U is not recognized as USB 3.0
DvGxVN wrote I have recently upgraded to the Archer T4U adapter because I gave the previous adapter to my relative. After I installed the driver and the WPS tool via Autorun.exe in the CD, I went to...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-05-18 07:58:48
Re:TP-Link Wireless MU-MIMO USB Adapter not work in usb3 mode! Need help!
novahudonosor wrote Hello everyone! My Archer connected to usb3 port (Lenovo desktop) but work in usb2! Drivers are old 2018 in website here, was trying them but still i have usb2. Someone can help...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-05-18 07:37:31
Re:Archer T4U wont connect to USB 3
@Roko101 It certainly seems to be evident that T4U usb 3 port is faulty or no connection is established with the usb 3 connectors of PC in spite of being connected to usb 3.... Its happening to me...