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Forums/ Deco
2021-05-15 22:14:38
Re:Deco M5: can a hardwired device on an Ethernet port be isolated to the guest network?
There could be a solution to this challenge: wifi. https://www.synology.com/nl-nl/compatibility?search_by=products&model=DS114&category=usb_wifi_dongles&p=1 This is a Dutch information page about...
Forums/ Deco
2021-05-15 21:49:37
Re:Deco M5: can a hardwired device on an Ethernet port be isolated to the guest network?
Tooooo bad. I would have liked this option as well. Maybe in the future...? ;-) Thanks!
Forums/ Deco
2021-05-15 21:40:43
Re:Deco M5 guest wifi isolation
@TP-Link Hi there, Thank you for the information that is provided until now. I would like to confirm that everything is working as it should and will supply detailed information about my setup and...