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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-05-13 19:12:45
TL-WPA4220 PLC Extender - NO WiFi
Hi I have a WPA4220 V4, which stopped generating WiFi signal (Wireless led is off). I tried resetting the extender but it doesn't work. At times the Wireless led lights up for a while, I can see the...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-05-13 12:48:42
Re:AV600 (TL-WPA4220) Ethernet connection has stopped working *** HELP !!! ***
@Mikeyrodge82 Hi Mike, I have a WPA4220 V4, which stopped generating wifi signal (Wireless led is off). I tried resetting the extender but it doesn't work. At times the Wireless led lights up for a...