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Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:Do I need a separate modem/router?
@raven-au I am not a gamer, so I don't really play anything. I do have a BluRay player for GOT and BoB, but I don't mess with the settings. The problems have been with streaming services such as...
Forums/ Deco
7 hours ago
Re:Do I need a separate modem/router?
@raven-au Very many thanks, that is most helpful, and reassuring. I think your observation is probably on the money. I think the "technical support" have a rote-type list of questions and...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Do I need a separate modem/router?
@Grounded Hello Marvin and thank you, the information you have provided has aided my understanding. Cost is a bit of a barrier to obtaining the latest Deco models and I still feel the units I have...
Forums/ Deco
Do I need a separate modem/router?
I set up my mesh system about 4 years ago with 2 X20 units. With advice from the hardware supplier (Vodafone/One NZ) one X20 unit is connected directly to the optical fibre network point, therefore...