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Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-05-28 21:49:08
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
I was beta testeru, and my app remain on 3.1 version, already tried to uninstall and reinstal, and tried also to quit beta test program, still on 3.1, no 3.3 update @Wayne-TP us there somethign else...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-02-27 06:35:59
Re:Tapo H100 enable / disable notification when leaving housse
@ercovi unfortunaterly beta has been ended, many of us can't access to all we have done in beta version, we now wait for the final version
Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-01-28 20:49:02
Re:【Trial】Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
I was looking for a solution to the same problem, i've jsute discovered that i can't modify my automation created in the beta ! that's a very strange way to thanks beta tester. That's the fist time i...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2023-12-17 18:39:33
Re:How to enable or disable motion detector notifications with a scenario or automation ?
@Simone35 I dont have tried with location of the phone , when I say I disable it when i'm home and enable it when a leave, i mean that I do it manually by taping on the shortcuts but this is the...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2023-12-16 21:04:17
Re:Tapo H100 enable / disable notification when leaving housse
To make it works as i want with the beta update,I've created 2 shortcuts with enable and disable automations when i arrive or leave housse Automation send a notication and activate the hub alarm if...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2023-12-15 19:25:36
Re:Tapo H100 enable / disable notification when leaving housse
@Wayne-TP I've received the beta update and this is perfect I can now add a notification action in the automation, this is exactly what i was looking for Now I just have to enable / disabe this...