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Forums/ Controllers
2022-12-18 12:14:24
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
@Virgo Issue resolved! And I'm almost too embarressed to reveal the solution... I had by misstake assigned the same IP as the 2218 to another device, manually. So, issue fully resolved, and no...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-12-18 08:56:16
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
@Virgo Sorry for long radio silence. Well, the issue is not resolved. Looking at my LibreNMS I can tell that the switch constantly goes offline, network-wise. There is nothing wrong with the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-25 13:21:31
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
Well, it got better, but not resolved. The switch stills gets heartbeat missed several times per day and I get a notification that the switch has been reconnected :(
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-17 18:00:57
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
And just minutes later, the update arrived in the OC200 too. It's been updated, lets hope it solves the problem! Thanks for the heads up!
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-17 17:52:25
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
@Virgo Interesting! That version was not available yesterday! (Funny enough, the version my switch is running was newer than what was available yesterday) My OC200 told me there was an update for the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-16 11:27:41
Re:TL-SG2218 constantly gets reconnected
@Virgo The switch works perfectly, it's just the constant notifications that it has been reconnected (suggesting it has been disconnected) and the constant "Heartbeat missed" in the admin interface....