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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2021-11-19 07:47:36
Re:Vr2100 connected to virgin hub3
TP-Link wrote @Spb67 Hi, Did you test the speed by Wi-Fi(2.4ghz or 5ghz?) or over Ethernet cable? May I know the model number of your VM hub? You could have a check on the QoS settings on the Archer...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2021-11-17 10:06:57
Vr2100 connected to virgin hub3
Ok connected my vr2100 to VM hub3.. the hub say speed is 400mbps but I'm getting is 150-200 from the vr2100.. any ideas what's the issue? Any settings need tweaking ?
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2021-02-16 17:51:52
Re:Virgin hub 3 and vr2100
@Ivaylo seen that.. but I have no dchp tab!!??😳
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2021-02-16 12:52:39
Re:Archer VR2100 - Randomly reboots several times a day.
I've just invested in a vr2100 as my UK virgin hub3 is suffering dropouts.. hope I've not gone from the fire to the frying pan...had trouble setting it up but got it sorted..somehow.. don't know how...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2021-02-16 07:50:59
Virgin hub 3 and vr2100
Ok so virgin hub 3 is dropping WiFi signals so bought the vr2100 from Curry's as per there rep. Trying to connect to the hub 3 is a nightmare .. no internet.. everything is connected as per...