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Forums/ Deco
2021-01-28 11:36:00
Re:Unable to connect with Maxis
@Muize Good to know you too solved it now.
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-28 10:02:30
Re:Unable to connect with Maxis
@jleong I'm able to setup the deco E4 mesh now. I found that the in app (both Android & iOS) setup instruction is very misleading and that caused my setup failed at the beginning. The step by step...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-28 05:43:43
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Unable to connect with Maxis
@TP-Link how do we know whether it's dynamic IP or pppoe or vlan?
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-28 05:37:02
Re:Unable to connect with Maxis
Same for me. Cannot connect to Maxis home fibre with deco E4. After switch back to maxis original router the internet works. Tried both ios and Android, both not working. Help needed asap