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Forums/ Adapters
2021-01-25 15:48:10
Re:TP-Link TL-WN881ND V2 :: Can't connect to wireless network
@Kevin_Z When I connect to the wireless network, I just get a message saying "Unable to connect to this network". I am unable to connect via the hotspot on my phone, as well as not via my wifi...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-01-22 14:53:03
Re:TP-Link TL-WN881ND V2 :: Can't connect to wireless network
@Kevin_Z Thanks for the response. I have tried those options and still no luck, unfortunately. Very frustrating! Any other ideas? I am conisidering returning the adapter for a refund otherwise.
Forums/ Adapters
2021-01-20 18:20:54
TP-Link TL-WN881ND V2 :: Can't connect to wireless network
I have just received a tp link TL-WN881ND V2 and installed the driver from the tp-link cd. The networks show up in the WIFI network list, but I can't connect to any of them even though the signal is...