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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-02-17 11:31:22
Re:Bandwidth Control - Limit torrent download with TPLINK router
btw as refer to this page: what is the "56-145/tcp" and "1-256/udp"? what does it mean?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-02-10 13:26:29
Bandwidth Control - Limit torrent download with TPLINK router
Region : Argentina Model : TL-WDR4300 Hardware Version : V1 Firmware Version : ISP : hi my office has 25 Pc, using Internet line speed 20Mbps (TM Unifi), TPLINK WDR4300. I would like to set bandwidth...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-02-10 13:07:56
Bandwidth QoS - How to limit bandwidth for Torrent download?
Region : Malaysia Model : TL-WDR4300 Hardware Version : Not Clear Firmware Version : ISP : hi I have bought the TPlink TL-WDR4300 but have no idea how to set bandwidth allocation base on application...