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Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-10-31 18:49:49
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
Hello MaPa, I only have the H100 and all the smart features work for me.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-10-16 09:11:59
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
@dgncsk Hello, if the threshold is set to 24°C, it is now 22°C, P115 will not switch on. The value must pass the 24°C threshold to meet the condition. So add more thresholds at 23, 22, 21, 20..., as...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-10-09 17:25:29
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
@DK10 Hello, maybe I can help. For example, if you want to switch on the fan in the bathroom when the humidity is above 86% and at that moment the humidity is already 90%, the condition is met, but...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-09-27 09:11:28
Re:Any plans for a Tapo Smart Smoke Detector?
Hello, I have purchased and am successfully using 58 TAPO devices for my household. I would also very much welcome a smoke sensor.
Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-05-29 09:32:33
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
@Wayne-TP Hello, I have 3.100.528 version. Is this the current mobile phone version? Thank you.
Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-05-26 16:54:19
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
Hello, I would welcome the choice to create groups of door sensors. If there are multiple windows (sensors) in the room, it is not possible to control one thermostatic radiator Valve Ke100.