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Forums/ Deco
2021-03-02 17:29:29
Re:Deco M5 in AP mode sometimes act as a DHCP server
I agree TP-Link should fix this but also accept that "regular people" (people not running their own modem, router, etc.) won't be impacted by this. Until a fix is available one mitigation is to set...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-06 19:56:19
Re:Deco M5 in AP mode sometimes act as a DHCP server
@scassar @Kevin_Z After taking my router offline briefly to move it and having the Deco x60 "take over" my network, and losing several hours of sleep trying to figure out WTF happened, allow me to...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-06 19:33:25
Re:Re:AP mode messes up DHCP after power outage
THANK YOU for this tip to force dnsmasq to continue serving DHCP. Until TP-Link gets around to implementing an option to disable DHCP entirely in AP mode, this is a lifesaver.